As most of you have probably got, the better achievements I have as a developer within Revit API are thanks to Python đ, so, I thought was nice to share with you the environment I set-up for myself in Visual Studio Code (Visual Studio Code - Code Editing. Redefined).
Many thanks to Gui Talarico that shared a fundamental repository for the arguments we are going to discuss today:
side note: as suggested from Gui Talarico "stubs would technically need to be generated for each Revit API version and they haven't in a while, so stubs might be a little stale."
In the below video I show a step by step, from zero to hero, setting up.
Here, in short, the list of what to do:
Download the stumps from the above link
If you didn't yet:
Install Visual Studio Code
Install Python extension for VSCode
Edit the settings.json file of the Python extension
Be sure that your python version is IronPython.
Be sure to have the stubs path between the extra-paths.
reload window in VSCode
enjoy! â¨
I always like the videos, trustful and usually very explicative, however for the lazy-ones, you can't copy/nothing neither you can read with calm, unless you stop in the very right moment...
so I decided to share also how looks my current settings.json file:
"workbench.editorAssociations": {
"*.ipynb": "jupyter.notebook.ipynb"
"python.pythonPath": "c:\\Program Files (x86)\\IronPython 2.7\\ipy64.exe",
"python.languageServer": "Microsoft",
"python.autoComplete.extraPaths": [
"workbench.colorTheme": "Monokai"
Quick and easy, but most of all I want to tell you that it's not a coincidence that in this post I mentioned #pyRevit , the plan is to start on this blog a new series on it, too good to not mention it, too powerful to not use or being amazed from!!!
Stay tuned,
Hi, awesome video. A quick question - how to add "Mircrosoft" as python.Language.Server? Will it work if I don;t have it?
Thanks a lot